The Fundamental
Needs of a Person

1. The need to give and receive
We all love company and the need to give and receive attention
plays a significance role in our behaviour. We learn a lot from the society
around us and it is a wonderful change from our daily routine to keep us
healthy and active. If we are not socialistic, our mental condition, emotional
state and behaviour suffers quite drastically. We can visualise this when our
parents or grandparents often stay within their confined within the household
premises. They are much comfortable when sitting within a group and
participating in the communication taking place. A few hours of being listened
to would suffice their need of belongingness. Even children going to school
after a long vacation command the teacher's attention all the time, asking
questions and not really listening to the answers!
2. Taking heed of the mind body
This is so important and often neglected. Without correct and
regular nutrition, sleep and exercise, our psychological state can suffer
considerably. It is often seen that young people, on leaving home find it
difficult to cope up with the external environment and often fall sick. Their
mealtimes, sleep patterns and other regular habits become disrupted, with
predictable consequences and they start treating themselves as machines! If our
body is healthy, we shall always remain fit and healthy and our efficiency in
work shall increase our output to higher levels.
3. The need for goals with a
meaningful purpose.
If a person is not focused and does not know his goals hence
is deprived of the outward focus , then the happiness and satisfaction which he
gets those positive results on the accomplishment of his tasks is taken away
from him leaving him in a depressed state.
4. A sense of community and making a
Elderly people can obviously share ideas with other people of
their age and collectively form a club that works for charity or community or
any such social cause i.e. engross themselves in any kind of work that takes
the focus off the self. It gives them a reason for being, over and above their
own personal needs, that benefits the immune system, mental health and
5. The need for challenge and

6. The need for intimacy.
Tying in with the need for confidence is the best way to
distinguish the strength of intimacy we share with that individual as we all
need someone very close to share our thoughts, ideas, hopes and dreams with.
Most of us require at least one individual with whom we can converse 'on the
same level' and share our thoughts, feelings and activities etc. This lightens
as well as motivates the inner self of any individual.
7. The need for remodeling.
It's important to feel important. For this always keep
updating yourself with the latest news, current surroundings. Don’t be rigid
and orthodox, be flexible and accept the changes that come along. The way we
modernize our house and decorate the best of upholstery and latest electronic
gadgets, the same way we should keep remodelling ourselves for our betterment
as this shall always bring a new awakening within us.
8. The need for a sense of safety and
We need to feel our environment is basically secure and
reasonably predictable. Financial security, physical safety and health, and the
fulfilment of other basic needs along with the fundamental ones all together
contribute to the completion our own selves.
So the message is...

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