Doctors Day”

In the
year 1882, 1st July is seen as the birth of a renowned Physician and partisan
Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy in India and he is even remembered today for actively
involving himself in service to mankind and starting many institutions and
hospitals for the people. Doctor's Day is also observed to pay tribute to Dr B
C Roy and we salute the true spirit of his dedication. By the virtue of the
profession of a doctor, taking a pledge at the time of awarding a degree of
profession, he puts out all his best efforts to provide treatment for speedy
recovery of his patients. Dr. Ray always said, "A doctor must work
eighteen hours a day and seven days a week and. If they cannot justify
themselves to this, get out of the noble profession.”
The red
carnation is the official symbol because the color of the flower represents love,
charity, sacrifice, bravery and courage, all of which are symptomatic with the
medical profession.
Almost all
the people at one point of time in life are dependent on the services rendered
by the doctors and they handover their loved ones with utmost faith and belief
in them. These doctors are even beyond God to them and it’s then when doctors
reflect their own capability with commitment, realizing the responsibility they
bear and dedicate themselves into an ethical path of healing the patient in need.
with the advanced infrastructure there is an enormous and remarkable progress
in the field of high-tech medical facilities which should always be
acknowledged and appreciated towards this noble profession.
all the Doctors- “A Happy Doctors Day”~~
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