to Fight Corruption
Corruption: Our Vision and Mission.

It is expected the present
caretaker government, patriot citizens and other stakeholders will be able to
address the most difficult challenge – fighting corruption. Corruption is a
tremendous deterrent to good governance and development, and its burden falls
heaviest on the shoulders of the poor people. If we want to establish
corruption free business friendly environment, wants to become a country free of poverty and
economically strong, where every citizen will enjoy his or her rights and a
better quality life, ending corruption is the most important need. It is the
responsibility of every stakeholder to respond to this need towards corruption
free, transparent, participatory good governance ensuring equity and social
justice. This is only possible when people with strong desire against
corruption comes forward and participate in system along with the present
government, obviously one alone cannot clean the dirt simply by talking about
it. We should always keep in mind:-
Create an awareness
strategy among the people:
Nobody can undermine the
role and power of media in the society for establishing a good governance. It
plays a vital role in molding the society to move in the right path for it has
direct access to people and this gives it a lot of strength. It is the best
tool to spread awareness in the modern society giving the people latest sight
about what is happening in the world, also making them aware about their
rights, creating awareness against evils in society. Its limitless connectivity
and potential has made a possible way to develop the communication technology
and define the social situation of awareness.
Creating awareness
strategy among the Stakeholders:
Everyday policy makers,
professionals, business leaders, sociologist, economists and others
independently generate amazing number of ideas and thoughts. Corruption can be
marginalized if not eliminated if all stakeholders work together in a
coordinated manner against corruption. Transparency in the system should be of
utmost priority giving a big thrust on e – governance. To some extent
contributing to the empowerment of civil society may not so much be about doing
new things but to do the things we already do in a different way. Ideas and thoughts are
ineffective if not put to actions. Unless what is thought is acted upon, such
thought has no value. What is important
is the commitment of all the citizens – leaders of respective fields– to take
on the challenge of ending corruption and to do one’s own part to address it in
a collaborative manner. Corruption, as
in all affairs in society should be viewed from the two sides: a demand side
and a supply side. The demand side can
only be curbed by reforms of institutions, strengthening the enforcement of law
by a transparent judiciary. The stake
holders of a corruption free society should get united to raise voice against
corruption to curve the supply side. Thus the citizens will have to participate
in the battle against corruption and only moral support to the Anti-Corruption
Commission (ACC) is not enough to eliminate corruption. The supply side should
pledge that whatever circumstance be, they will not bow down to the demand
side. No doubt is will create a big problem initially, but once the news
spreads that the suppliers are now united and shall act accordingly if
harassed, the system itself will move towards a neat and clean path ahead.
Creating awareness among
the Civil Society:
Civil society is in the
best position to articulate the grievances of the citizen and highlight
priorities of action on corruption to governments. Civil society can serve many
important roles–as observer, critic, analyst, campaigner, or protester. It can
create public awareness against corruption and mobilize citizens to fight
against corruption in ways that governments cannot. Civil society can also play
a strong role to organize campaigns against corruption.
Creating awareness among
Boards and Trade Bodies:
Similarly Boards can be
more active by organizing seminars, workshops, round tables to generate
awareness against corruption and unethical business practice. Boards can
establish anti-corruption cell headed by a vice president with adequate funds
to establish liaison with media, anti-corruption commission (ACC) and other
government agencies to combat corruption and protect its members from extortion
and corrupt claims. Mega Boards should formulate code of conduct for their
members and put pressure on the members for compliance. Awareness regarding code of conduct for
members of boards would have trickle-down the effect on smaller business
enterprises also.
Creating awareness among
Private Sector:
The private sector can
play a more active role in rooting out the supply side of corruption. It is painful that most businessman and
citizens looks at corrupt practice as a system.
Business leaders as well as the government should take initiatives so
that local and foreign investors can set up business enterprise and function
without resorting to corruption and extortion. Indulging into corrupt practices
just for their monetary gains should be embedded into their brains. To part
with a few percent from their profit shall do no harm to their organization,
but to steal from the Governments treasury shall uproot the entire nation
because one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. For eradicating
corruptions it is very important that the private sector must emphasize on
internal controls and auditing mechanisms.
Corporate bodies and business houses should set clear and enforceable
policies against corrupt or unethical business practices. Business house periodically must train middle
and senior management on business ethics to ensure that standards are
institutionalized throughout the organization.
Business houses should change their mind-set to prefer managers having
comprehensive business education with emphasis on ethics. Any business managers cannot afford to be
unaware of global ethical standards for doing business.
In a developing country
for good governance the fight against corruption is not easy. An effective
Anti-Corruption Commission – with strong political backing, can become a
credible tool to deter corruption. All concerned should help the ACC to be
fully operative. Nobody will deny that, in our society, the past governance
mechanism was far less than satisfactory. Many issues and problems were the
barriers to ensure good governance, equity and social justice. Weak watchdog institutions corruption,
political interference in administration, nepotism, misuse of power, absence of
rule of law, non-accountable and non-transparent governments etc. are the
common features of our governance which needs to be addressed on urgent basis.
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