Plight of Elders in our Society
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day brings together senior citizens, their
caregivers, and governments to combat the problem of elder abuse.
Elder maltreatment can lead to serious physical injuries and long-term
psychological consequences. The incidence of abuse towards older people is
predicted to increase as many countries are experiencing rapidly ageing
populations. Elder abuse is a global social issue which affects the health and
human rights of millions of older persons around the world, and an issue which
deserves the attention of the international community.
Elders face too many types of problems.

Various health issues due to old
age (such as limited mobility,
arthritis, vision &/or hearing problems) is of main concern because it
hinders the everyday tasks which many of us take for granted such as grocery
shopping, bathing, grooming, housekeeping, cooking, budgeting, etc. They usually perform these tasks because
either they are living separately from their children due to the latest trend
of nuclear families, and if living jointly, this is expected of them already.
Similarly financial problems is also one of the major issue of concern. Money,
retirement funds, cost of living, discrimination in the work place, in life is
very general. There are times when their pension is also not given in time and
some have to slog into the offices for the same. Where many elderly people live
on social security with a small pension, there is a huge number who are dependent
on their children. The expenditure on them at one time is seen as an
unnecessary burden. Those children, who once used to shower their love and
affection on to them, now accuse them of wasting their hard earned money. These
poor elders are helpless and have no choice except to keep quiet and pass their
Transportation issues. Since not all elderly people are able to retain
their vehicles due to the expense of upkeep and fuel as well as possible vision
problems. Not all senior citizens are located on a bus-line. Some walk or
depend upon family or friends.
Children fighting over the inheritance tears them apart. The property
that they made with so much hard work only for their own loved ones is of more
importance to the children than the creator who made them. His efforts are all
forgotten and he is now taught the lesson of their rights and equality. Imagine
it for yourself, if we face such a situation then how do we react?
The younger society views is too busy to even think of them and they are
taken for granted by considering to be useless and frail. They have a mutual
withdrawal from society and their world gets smaller and smaller. They don't
tend to venture out in the neighbourhoods; they stay homebound. So much for the
'golden years'. They are alone, a lot more families are too busy to visit them,
and they have less motivation for self-care and end up losing weight,
dehydrated, feeling like burdens to their loved ones. It's very sad because
loneliness, fear of being alone, lack of sufficient funds, loosing
independence, ending up in a nursing home and somewhat forgotten by family
members make them feel a burden on the earth. We should always keep it in mind
that whatever may be, they are still those useful members of society who have
made this place a better place to live in with their love affection, devotion
and immense hard work. It is because of them we are what we are today!

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