Humans are Hypocrites

many of us strictly follow the path of righteousness and do any selfless act. We
teach our children all these things but do not preach them. Today, in this fast
moving world, we have to keep our pace and sometimes even do things that are
against our own ethics, but that does not give us the liberty to compare
ourselves with other and feel jealous by seeing what’s on others plate. On the
face of the person you show happiness and appreciation but behind the back you
are envious and unhappy, then is it not hypocrisy.
Comparing with others we
love to see them and improve our own status to rise in the society, but when it
comes to adapting their behaviour, thoughts or even follow their steps towards
the changes, then there comes a big full stop using tradition, religion or
society as a tool. Of course one can rise according to oneself but he/ she
needs to change for the betterment according to the time as change is the law
of nature. The great Indian epic of Mahabharata is a prime example it where
Lord Krishna lets the war take place to bring a change for the betterment of
the people for a bright future.
It is not necessary to accept all the changes
because what is good for one may not be good for the other, so think twice
before rejuvenating your inner self. Never shy away from truth under the
protection of lame excuses of tradition and religion instead use it as a tool
of strength where transformation becomes an ethical change and any good change is
accepted with open arms. It is only then, when we can come above the tag of hypocrisy.
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