This activity provides the opportunity to discover where a
person's true interests, talents, values and abilities lie. Gathering this
information it gets easier to determining a satisfying career in life. It is
also helpful when creating goals and understanding one's personality.
This exercise should be done on regular basis every few
months, as it can assist in determining whether you are on the right track or
not. As a student self-assessment aids in the learning process for it can
assist students in realizing, learning and rectifying from their past mistakes,
identifying their strengths and well as weaknesses. Participating in such an
exercise can help to determine what factors should be considered for
improvement. `

Here are some things to consider that give this exercise a
solid impact:
1.Distractions that keep you from special moments with
special people. – Pay attention to the little things, because when you really
miss someone you miss the little things the most, like just laughing
together. Go for long walks. Indulge in great conversations.
2.Compulsive busyness. – Schedule time every day to not be
busy. Have dedicated downtime – clear
points in the day to reflect, rest, and recharge. Don’t fool yourself; you’re not so busy that
you can’t afford a few minutes of sanity. Relax and chill. Focus on the
positives, and soon the negatives will be harder to see.
3.Negative thinking about your current situation. – Life is
like a mirror; we get the best results only when we smile. So talk about positive things more than your
problems. Just because you’re struggling
doesn’t mean you’re failing. Remember
that every success requires some type of struggle and hard work to get there.
4.The desire for everything you don’t have. – No, you won’t
always get exactly what you want, but remember this: There are lots of people who will never have
what you have right now. The things you
take for granted, someone else is praying for.
Happiness never comes to those who don’t appreciate what they already
5.Comparing yourself to everyone else. – Social comparison
is the thief of happiness. You could
spend a lifetime worrying about what others have, but it wouldn’t get you
7.Worrying about the mistakes you’ve made. – It’s okay if
you’ve messed up; that’s how you get wiser.
Give yourself a break. Don’t give
up. Great things take time, and you’re
getting there. Let your mistakes be your
motivation, not your excuses. Be very
sure that negative experiences from your past won’t predict your future.
8.Worrying about what everyone thinks and says about you. –
Don’t take things too personally, even if it seems personal. Rarely do people do things because of you;
they do things because of them. You
honestly can change your mood swings to decide how you react and who you choose
to be around.
9.Self-deception. – Your life will improve only when you
take small chances. And the first and
most difficult chance you can take is to be honest with yourself.
10.A life path that doesn’t feel right. – Life is to be
enjoyed, not endured. When you truly
believe in what you’re doing, it shows, and it pays. Success in life is for those who are excited
about where they are going. It’s about
walking comfortably in your own shoes, in the direction of your dreams.
11.Those who insist on using and manipulating you. – What
you allow is what will continue. Give as
much as you can, but don’t allow yourself to be used. Listen to others closely, but don’t lose your
own voice in the process.
12.All the fears holding you back. – Fear is a feeling, not
a fact. The best way to gain strength and
self-confidence is to do what you’re afraid to do. Dare to change and grow. In the end, there is only one thing that
makes a dream completely impossible to achieve: Lack of action based on the
fear of failure.
13.Doubting and second-guessing yourself. – When in doubt
just take the next small step. Sometimes
the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your
14.People who continuously dump on your dreams. – It’s
better to be lonely than allow negative people and their opinions derail you
from your destiny. Don’t let others
crush your dreams. Do just once what
they say you can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their negativity
15.Close-minded judgments. – Open your mind before you open
your mouth. Don’t hate what you don’t
know. The mind is like a parachute; it
doesn’t work when it’s closed.
16.Other people’s mistakes and oversights. – Today, be
tolerant of people’s mistakes and oversights.
Sometimes good people make bad choices.
It doesn’t mean they’re bad; it simply means they are human.
17.Resentment. – Kindness is not to be mistaken for
weakness, nor forgiveness for acceptance.
It’s about knowing that resentment is not on the path to happiness. Remember, you don’t forgive people because
you’re weak. You forgive them because you’re strong enough to know that people
make mistakes.
18.Don’t stress too much about the future, it hasn’t
arrived. Do your best to live now and
make this present moment worth living
the evil that is within yourself, rather than attacking the evil that is in
others.” ― Confucius
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