Even children at a young age can understand different
emotions and can also distinguish when someone is unhappy or hurt but they do
not know how to help. Sharing with others can be difficult for children because
they are only focused on themselves, but, thinking about others, their feelings
and their needs is a critical social skill.
Without a second thought we should invest our energy into
cultivating relationships as such associations are like a garden, the more time
we spend tending and planting in the garden, the more spectacular the garden
turns out to be. Our focus should be on investing our time, effort and
imagination into developing and maintaining meaningful relationships for it is
our sincere efforts only that shall yield good results and we shall see all the
relationships flourishing and growing.
To constantly improve the relationships in life, be committed
to constantly improve and grow. Give yourself and everyone around you the gift
of your ongoing personal development. When you commit to take care of yourself,
you become better and you become a better, friend, business partner, employee,
spouse etc.

What are you waiting for, take the plunge today and commit to
become the type of person you want the world to be. When you do, the world will
seem to change and will be filled with all the right type of people. If you
want the world to change, then change the only thing you have control over,
change yourself and the world will change. Everything around you will change as
you change. Anything you pursue will always elude you; everything you embrace
will be attracted to you
Life isn’t easy, we all know that. Some of us have it even
more so difficult than the rest. Joy and happiness in this situation or
condition may seem as elusive as the distant horizon. It easily wearies the
mind, body, and soul. But when you have been blessed with the gift of joy and
happiness in your own tiny world, hasten to share it out to those who may have
need of it. Perhaps a smile... a warm thought... a kind word... a helpful
gesture... a prayer... or maybe just a simple hug. It may perhaps seem little
and insignificant ... but to the person you are giving it to ---- it's the
whole world.

Happiness never gets abridged but expands with multiplier
effect by sharing. Still why are people hesitant. Sharing happiness should
become one's second nature, but maybe..... Some people do tend to hold back in
sharing. Even in the matter of sharing happiness. It's like being scared to be
turned down or rejected.... or be looked to with suspicion. This often explains
their hesitation. I guess some things, even the simplest ones, have to be learned
all over again because sometimes we lose it somewhere there in our life
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