"The service of India means the service of the millions
who suffer. It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and
inequality of opportunity. The ambition of the greatest man of our generation
has been to wipe out every tear from every eye. This may be beyond us but as
long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over".
(From a speech to the Constituent Assembly, August 14/15,

Since Independence, our country has made a great
progress in various fields of agriculture, education, defence, economy, science
and technology etc. Though our country has achieved much heights, but still it
is still lagging behind in many aspects. No doubt, it has solved many problems
but at the same time many other hurdles have developed. The biggest of them is ‘THE FILTHY GAME OF DIRTY POLITICS’ that
has spread like a plague in our country. This particular problem has rocked the
country all over and is sturdily responsible for our continuous downfall. These
sheer selfish leaders, who call themselves as the saviour of our country, are worsening
its condition progressively.

The couple of decades since then, instead of
experiencing growth, our country is continuously declining to be considered as retreat
of the welfare state. This has made individual efforts and initiatives most
necessary for the ordinary people and the political establishment which has
turned insensitive to the task of making the welfare state to work. Due to
this, the civil administration too is no longer concerned for ensuring, that the
concepts which worked in the past should be made in order to work even today maintaining
its status quo at least.
We are witnessing a history moving towards a decline
in the standards of political behaviour thus proving that were much better standards
in the olden days. The most important flaw of the incoming governments is
that it doesn’t delve into the
affairs of their old predecessor. At times the files and the missing documents of
the old government are not even made available to the new regime to thoroughly
investigate, rectify and punish for the serious mistakes committed during their
"The apathy of truth for most politicians consist the moral compass of a simple question within us asking: What is everyone else doing?" because they all are same and sailing in the game of dirty politics.

Presently our politics is extremely
infected by low human values because as we’ve all heard the old saying “Power
corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!” We have witnessed plenty of examples during the recent
years with their lies and deceptions in
their own words. The real
push for power is ego and ambition driven, although it is an
over-representation of “Small man’s Syndrome” reflecting their true personality.
Of course this should be seen in the context of their hunger for power
makes them stoop down so low that the negativities like lying, cheating, personal attacks,
disrespecting, back stabbing along with various others has invaded their mind
and soul enwrapping them towards cheap dirty politics. This, sadly, is the
nature of politics, but this game is not only played by politicians but even by
those who use their power through gratification and influence to buy
politicians for their own personal gains.
According to research published, almost one
fifth of the candidates in upcoming
elections are facing heinous criminal charges including rape, murder, dacoity,
arms act and extortion etc. The analysis of the records even shows a deep concern
in the “criminalisation" of politics in the world’s biggest democracy as this
study covers more than half of India's 35
states and union territories. Some of them are even accused of serious crimes
that carry a conviction of more than seven years. Almost one third of members
of parliament have criminal cases pending against them and dozens of male
candidates are facing serious criminal investigations for assault and rape “outraging
the modesty of a woman".

According to Milan Vaishnav, a specialist in
Indian politics at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, voters often
support politicians with criminal records, rather than shunning them.
The real shift from conventional politics to
modern politics will be to put scepticism aside and the fact that a public
debate regarding constructive view of political parties for the education, unemployment,
foreign policies, poverty, public health, sanitation, infrastructure and
development etc. should be organised making a huge step in modernizing Indian
politics. Such public debates are more common in the United States of America
and the United Kingdom, and are in fact a very important medium for reaching
out to the masses.

India, being the largest democratic country
is known all over for its hospitality, heritage and culture is being maligned
by such bad politicians. The way these
leaders address each other is extremely shameful and unacceptable as it clearly
shows that they have no respect for each other or politics.
All these politicians have now pulled their
socks up, and started campaigning in full swing, social media, public
interactions, rallies, radio broadcasts and recorded phone calls etc. alleging each
other as highly corrupt and dishonest. Though social media comes across as an
important medium for electoral campaigns, it cannot influence upcoming
elections or its results as today every common man is well aware to whom to
cast his valuable vote. However, we all should be hopeful that a day will
certainly come when India will be a developed and powerful country in the
world. This does not lie in the hands of the legislative class but in the hands
of the people who have been given the supreme status by the Indian Constitution.
We have to keep a check on them as they all are public servants and we are the
public. The fund used by them and the various schemes prepared are no one’s but
ours which gives us right to make them transparent an accountable to us. “BECAUSE IF NOT TODAY THEN NEVER.”
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