President is the father of the Country.

The Prime Minister is the Mother of the
The Prime
Minister walks hand in hand with the President for the development of our
country. He / she is the chief advisor to the President
of India. As
mother has many roles to play, the
Prime Minister also has a vast number of duties to perceive and the essential task of the President is over.
A mother is the leader of the house where a Prime
minister is the leader of the nation. She is the main spokesperson of the house
where a Prime
Minister is the main spokesman of the ministry.
A mother is a link between the children and the father, there the Prime
Minister is a link between the council of ministers and the President. If a
mother plays an important role in making all the policies as well takes care of
the house hold budget, there the Prime Minister plays a leading role in making
all policy statements as also the preparation of the annual budget. With unfathomable understanding and a
great sense of responsibility, she performs her duties of looking after the
entire needs of the family along with bringing up the children and also
sculpting them into a wonderful enlightened human being. Motherhood is a blessing
where you put someone else's happiness and well-being ahead of your own. The
same way a Prime Minister prepares the list of the council of ministers and distributes the work
to the different ministers. He/she supervises the entire responsibilities and
co-ordinates the working of various departments
The Council
of Ministers are the Children of the Nation.
Children are the pride of any nation / family. They
are considered to be the right hand of their parents. As the children are
brought up and nurtured by each parent to a smart young citizen to act and take
the responsibility of the family on their shoulders, the same way the council
of ministers are members of the Executive Council and are expected to take significant
decisions and determine government policy collectively, through the Cabinet
decision-making process. As children
it is the duty of every minister to
honour and respect the President and the Prime minister and obey them. Where there has been failure and breaches, children have the duty of
understanding and rectifying them. It is their duty to determine both the policy
direction and the priorities for their departments. In most cases they also have
financial responsibilities that are supported by varying degrees, depending on
the nature of the entity by direct officials in the state services and the
wider state sectors. As they too are the members of Parliament, they are
accountable to the House for their policies, their own performance, and the
performance of entities within their portfolios. The Prime Minister can also
assign Ministers of State a range of roles and responsibilities, which they
carry out as associate ministers.
All M Ps are the relatives of this
All Member Parliament are the General Power of
attorney holders of more than one lakh and ten lakh people respectively, any
act of the representatives effects the life, liberty, economy, and all activity
of all the citizens. They are supposed to be the most trusted people in the
family. They serve served as a trustee and are required to take on the
responsibilities. First, there are the
usual fiduciary duties, among which are the obligations to keep accurate and
detailed records, to ensure that all activities are being carried out in a
responsible manner and they should never engage in “self-dealing” or to
commingle the country assets for their own beneficiary purposes. Democracy administration is
nothing but Gods administration where peoples satisfied fully because they
themselves ruling indirectly. If in any Democracy country of the world public
has to fight for their right, consume time and money it is mockery of
democracy. They are the drivers that may drive toward heaven or hell.
Human disease and human mistake are common – former
one cures by proper medicine and later one by proper punishment in time. What
will happen if we neglect or avoid it - disease shall collapse the body general
health condition – mistakes has collapsed the health condition of the society
and country.
We should realize that we are the Creators of our
own destiny. We should be highly thoughtful as well as careful because once we
have voted a wrong candidate, the damage is done. We have no right to cry over
spilt milk for everything that happens is a result of our own
actions. The feeling of honesty, belongingness and commitment should be so
deeply inculcated within us so that we do not let anyone take advantage of our
liberties and misuse their position to cause harm to the nation
Each and every citizen is accountable for the
present scenario. We cannot afford to play a blame game. If we are truly
bothered of ourselves and our children, then we have to take the reins in our
hand. Every
one of us should join hands together to move ahead because "Unity is
strength". And, no country which is run by internal dimensions and
divisions can stand against enemies. Division and lack of unity always
ends in disaster. WE, THE
PEOPLE are the ROOTS of the entire family. To make it strong and robust, we have
to join hands and work fast for a healthy and prosperous tomorrow.
Good citizens may become good representatives.
It is the fault of every Indian citizens that we are trapped and it is the moral duty of each one of us to think of our
country first. Under such an
unhealthy situation, yet to rectify, we have to be hyperactive come out of our
houses to VOTE for the right candidate, then only we can make our country a healthy
and wealthy India once again because “United we stand, Divided we fall”. It is
good to say Unity is Strength but “Action
is better than word”. Therefore ask yourself: When was the last time I thought
of my Country?
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