Role of the Women of Today
India is gradually emerging as a powerful nation since women began playing
significant roles for the development of the country. The role of woman in
India today is phenomenal and the transition of woman from the past to present
is worth mentioning as the woman who was once considered to be the masters in
the art of home making are now considered to be the forces that shape a
So true are the words of Albert
Einstein- “The hand that rocks the
cradle rules the world.”
In India, there was a time when women were just confined to kitchen and house,
but gradually, awareness towards education uplifted them where they began to
get educated and some after higher education came out on the social and
political platform to rub shoulder with the men. This struggle was the opening
up of the new horizon for a new womanhood in India.
The new generation
of women seem to have wheels under their feet where girls are extremely ambitious
and focused. They seem to emerge from clearly defined boundaries of their homes
and enter schools, colleges with a well-defined role at the workplace. They
efficiently rearrange their career and social life along with her family life
following all the traditions and festivities. A great amalgamation of Western
emancipation and Indian warmth, full of compassion and family values. They are
extremely talented and progressive trying their best to walk on equal footings
with men in all fields of the society.
Previously women faced many Social
Problems like Dowry, Child Marriages, death during Childbirth, Sati and many other
social problems but nowadays the status of women in India has been a subject to
many great changes over the past few millennia. Today, they are well aware of
their status and position in society so that they refuse to suffer but fight
for their rights. There is no doubt this awakening is making them move faster
towards a better tomorrow.
“The extension of women's rights is the basic principle of all social progress.” -- Charles
The status of women in modern India
is a sort of a paradox. The modern Indian women have honed their skills and
jumped into a battlefield of life fighting against social restrictions,
emotional ties, religious boundaries and cultural clutches. She can now be seen
working on par with men in every field. As compared with past women in modern
times have achieved a lot but in reality they have to still travel a long way.
Their path is full of roadblocks. The women have left the secured domain of
their home and are now in the battlefield of life, fully armoured with their
talent. They must avail themselves of the educational opportunities provided
and learn to empower themselves.
"Educate a man and you educate an individual. Educate a woman and you
educate a family."
There is no arena, which remains
unconquered by our Indian women. The most important name in the category of
such women is the politician of recent times: Mrs. Indira Gandhi. In India,
women have adorned high offices including that of the President, Prime Minister,
Speaker of the Lok Sabha, etc. Where Kiran Majumdar Shaw is the richest Indian
woman, there some of the notable and outstanding women who have set examples
for others are Mother Teresa, Kalpana Chawla, Kiran Bedi, Sarojini Naidu, etc.
Indian women have mastered anything and everything which a woman can dream of.
But still women have a long way to achieve equal status in the minds of Indian
Development of our country depends on the empowerment of women. A man and a
woman are like two wheels of a cart. The cart can move fast and safely too,
when both of them pull it in the same direction and with equal strength. Hence
no developing country or society can afford to ignore the role of women, if
they are to progress. Because it is very positively acknowledged that history
looks different when the contributions of women are included.
“You can tell the
condition of a nation by looking at the status of women”- Jawaherlal Nehru.
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