
reminds me of a famous artist who met a fisherman enjoying himself and soaking
in sunset.
aren’t you out fishing?” the artist inquired inquisitively.
I’ve caught all the fishes I needed for today.”
why don’t you go out and catch more? Make a profit, buy a bigger boat, hire
more men and become wealthy. Then only you could just sit and watch sunsets.”
“What do
you think I’m doing now?” the fisherman smiled.

Just living for ourselves
shall give us contentment. Many of us don’t even know what exactly contentment is
because we expect our environment to be exactly the way we want it to be. We
want our spouse to fulfil our expectations and our children to conform to a prewritten
plan we have ordained for them. And this way we want everything to fall into
its perfect niche in the little cupboard where we compartmentalize every
element of existence. Why?

When we’re focused and aware
of our ambitious goals, we are likely to feel contented and happy because if we
don’t know of our expectations, then life becomes dull and boring therefore always
make small achievable goals and pursue for them vigorously for inspiration to a
prosperous future. Enjoy even the small things in life as we can only be contented
from such deeds only. This cannot be purchased from materialistic things as money
is not everything in life. In the pursuit of contentment, chasing after life’s
big pleasures instead of enjoying the small ones is futile because this is as
if we are losing tiny sparkling diamonds that are strewn across our path in
running after the big ones.
Never sacrifice family for the
sake of your own achievements because family is the one who is the real
well-wisher and always wants to see us happy and smiling even during odd
circumstances. Just imagine for a moment … you are extremely rich living in a
big house of your dreams with an expensive car and rich bank account and plan
for a luxurious five star holiday. No doubt it is wonderful that you have
achieved what you aimed for, but how, with whom and on what cost? You are
standing all alone with no one to share your contentment whereas your other
family members who may not be having so much wealth are united and happily
enjoying themselves with each other. For wealth you might have sacrificed your
family, but your family preferred sacrificing you for happiness and contentment.

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