‘Where there is A Will, There is A Way’

We should always remember that
God helps only those who help themselves. Nothing is impossible if we try and
with the help of our will power, we can achieve anything. The way a small
sparrow makes a very beautiful nest with the help of her will power, similarly
it is our will power that gives courage and energy to win. The main obstacle in
the way of success is tardiness and lack of will power. Therefore we must
always be active, ever green and optimistic to hope for the sky and believe me
you will definitely achieve you aim.
Never blame fate as only those
who struggle become successful. Sometimes one who struggles go on struggling
and another person who waits without struggle becomes successful. But it does
not happen all the time though fate plays a great role in our success, will
power is also very important and with the help of will power one a conquer fate
too. But one should not hope for victory before fighting the battle. Luck or
opportunity never bothers men who are firmly set on getting ahead. They create
the opportunity themselves and make their way to success. Always remember
fortune favours the brave. To achieve success make progress and gain profit one
has to dare and take risks for “Success is not cheap."
Everybody is well aware that
success does not go to those who never struggle. But while dreaming, one should
be always ready for hard work. It is not something which can be achieved by
spending money, but will power comes from your soul and heart. You will be
successful and a successful person is always independent and confident. It is
true but success is counted sweetest by everyone who struggles but always remember
that success demands hard work, struggle, sacrifice and a lot of patience too.
So struggle hard and be
successful, nothing is impossible if your will is strong. You can achieve
everything. After all where there is a will there is a way. Do not be afraid of
failure because failure is the first step on the way to success; learn to face
problems. Bear your troubles don't worry and be happy. Remember that if you
laugh the whole world laughs with you but if you weep you will have to weep
alone With your strong will power and enthusiasm any great thing can be
Everybody wants to be successful in
his life. But while dreaming success one should not forget the battle, which is
necessary for victory. Life is beautiful when the art of living is understood
for it has been aptly said.
is an art
mountain of troubles
your trouble don't cry
should only try and try
conquer the sky
your skill
power of will.
dream is your
to struggle is your duty.
power is your need
achieve the sky and to fly.
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