Many youngsters are spoilt indulging into wrong habits like smoking, drinking, drug-addiction and loitering around etc. It is rather a heart rendering sight on seeing so many youngsters languishing themselves in the dark addictions. This is the most prominent and disturbing phase of our life time.

The most alarming factor is the growing indifference to the responsibilities they hold in society and neglecting the big role they play in its development. They fail to realize that it is them who are the hope of the future. Be it a kid or a youngster, everyone these days has an account on at least one social networking site which is a great place to catch up with old friends, or make new ones, having a dangerous side-effects of this dependency — whether knowingly or unknowingly.
1. Opportunities :
All the opportunities are a stimulus towards competition for youngsters, but at the same time, the youth shouldn’t lose out on their moral values. It is important to maintain that balance between sticking to one’s values along with the drive to achieve. Since the future is in their hands, and so they have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. They have to channelize this responsibility and their energies properly for its outcome is a benefit to the country and themselves too.
2. Freedom :

3. Drinking, Smoking and Drugs :

4. Junk food:

5. Lacking social awareness:
Having a good sense of social surroundings is important, but plenty of youngsters lack in this field. They have a poor sense of social judgment or what is important to the society and how to live in it. Today, we can see so many untoward incidents take place for example car stunts, rash driving, school bunking, smoking, drinking etc. Many youngsters are seen constantly plugged with their ear-phones with music playing at full volumes walking in public places due to the reason they don’t hear a car honking behind them or anyone warning them of the mishappening about to take place due to their carelessness!
6. Money-awareness absent:

7. FB, twitter 24×7, Vibor etc.:
There is no doubt about the fact that social networking is lovely for it helps people connect in a much easier manner. But on one side where social networking is a boon, there excessive and unwanted social networking a liability? There is a darker side of such sites too. It hinders your ability to develop intellect for the youth of today spend more than half their valuable time on social networking sites. They chat with friends, spend hours and hours commenting on pictures and what not. They are unable to maintain a balance between socializing and personal development, which is the most important aspect of any individuals life. This is lacking in majority of the youngsters today.
8. Pre-marital sex:

9. Excessive hanging-out:
The youngsters of today aren’t serious about lifestyle. All they want is fun and frolic that excites them. In the 21st century youth spend hours and hours with friends discussing things that are absolutely worthless. So many young boys and girls just idle away their time, talking to friends in groups or alleys or hangout places just chilling and idling away their time.
10. Conclusion.
A new generation has come of age bringing with it a lifestyle that is shaped by an unprecedented advance in technology and dramatic events both local and foreign. Because of this rapid change we can say that the older generations are finding it hard to relate to the new generation particularly with the new way of life and current trends. With the arrival of new forms of media such as cell phones, social networking and the internet, we are now in a world where the only thing constant is change. Youth is wholly experimental and with the full utilization of the talents of the Youth, India will become a complete Nation. Let us hope for the same. We should start think of humanity as a single moral community linked by mutual responsibility. Our present Pacific context compels us, as young people, to seek a new way of engaging with our people’s struggle for meaning and purpose. Because we are not products of forces beyond our control, we need a moral vision that situates the source of action and responsibility within ourselves. The construction of such a vision will include the key values of human dignity, justice, compassion, hope and peace. Secondly, there is a big need to encourage Youth population to participate more actively. The older we are, the deeper our roots are in the past and the less able we are to see ways in which the future is developing.
“Youth is like a fire
It crept forward.
A Spark at first
Growing into a flame
The brightening into a Blaze”
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