Self and Identity

A man is beyond his mind, body and intellect. A
child when born is ignorant of this fact that he/she shall one day be a
separate individual! The sense of being an individual develops over the time
through social interactions and then personality development. We tend to
underestimate the importance of knowing our self and not knowing ourself leads to only confusion and nothing else.

To know our own self we should:
· Be aware
of your strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes.
· Observe
and be aware of your moods, reactions and responses to what is happening around
· Become
aware of how these moods and emotions affect your state of mind.
· Examine
how you interact with others.
· Observe
how your environment affects you.
The familiarity with your own self is what to
be sought and what has to be understood. A man should be aware of his real
identity and by knowing it he will be able to solve most of the problems and
complications of life.
Knowing and understanding
yourself better, in turn, leads to decision-making, setting and reaching appropriate goals and ultimately living more a productive life. This knowledge is unlimited by time and space and this is beyond any change.