Monday, 20 April 2015


 “You do something that you could never have imagined yourself doing, become something you could never have imagined yourself becoming, and, ultimately, live a life greater than you could have ever imagined yourself living.” ~Dr. Judith Wright

Self-transformation is a sort of Self-improvement where we learn new skills, modify our habits, select new interests and behaviours etc. This technique of making small changes in our lives where we unknowingly accept the changes and keep improving our health habits, memory skills, relationship skills, musical ability etc. transforms our overall personality. Everyone loves self-improvement for it helps us to stay involved in our protean world confidently. The core feature of any successful transformation physically as well as psychological is self-discipline.

 Setting a goal for self-transformation is best  implemented by creating for ourselves a  paradigm, an idealized model of the person  we want to become. Comparing our present  condition to our paradigm will allow us to  steer a course through distractions and  temptations more effectively than trying to  reason our own thoughts that indulge into  ifs and buts and stop us from moving  ahead.  It is for sure that if we do so we  shall be happier, contented and a fully  confident person in better relationships with  much more self-esteem. Even the smallest  positive life change transforms us in some way or the other, pushing us forward on the personal evolutionary scale and fostering some level of self-awareness and growth. We shall always be comfortable and relaxed with the younger generation as this transformation will help us in understanding the present scenario with their mind set.

This personal transformation propels us from living a spectacular life. We should reflect on this prospect more with excitement than trepidation because the more committed we are to self-transformation, the less fear we will have of a sudden jump into the future. We will be familiar with the unfamiliar. We will be experienced in adapting, learning, and innovating.