The Danger Unknown

One day the mouse peeped through a small crack in the wall and unintentionally saw the farmer opening a small package. He was curious that it may contain any food item which could be shared amongst his friends but to his horror he found that it was a mousetrap. Yes A mouse trap to catch him indeed!
The mouse got panicky and
breathlessly ran around the farmyard warning all his fellow members of this
forthcoming danger.

In the night the farmer‘s wife
heard a sound of a mousetrap. She hurried to see what was in it, but due to the
darkness she did not see that it was a poisonous snake, whose tail was caught
by the trap. Unexpectedly the snake bit her and she fainted.
The farmer rushed her to the
hospital where they treated her for a few days. Later, when they returned home,
she still had fever. The farmer’s doctor had told him that chicken soup would
help his wife to regain strength and her fever would subside, so he went to his
farmyard to bring the main ingredient and that was the chicken, his hen in the
However her sickness continued
for which many friends came to visit her. The farmer butchered the pig to
prepare lunch for the visitors. Unfortunately, as time passed, the farmer’s
wife became weaker and weaker and one day she succumbed to her injuries. Many
neighbours, relatives and friends arrived to attend the funeral. The farmer had
to slaughter the goat to feed all of them.
The mouse was a silent
spectator to all that was happing with unhappiness as he could do nothing for
those who once said were his friends as this was destiny.
Remember, when we see that
someone is in difficulty or danger, we all are at risk. The nature of danger is
never depicted, therefore it is better to help and encourage the one in need
rather than leaving him alone to face that problem.
Moral: There is nothing more dangerous than a closed mind.