Saturday, 23 August 2014



                                  As a person     ……………………..   Beyond description.
                                  As a daughter  ……………………..   Beyond imperfection.
                                  As a sister       ……………………..   Beyond admiration.
                                 As a student    ……………………..    Beyond evaluation.
                                 As a wife        ..……………………..  Beyond expectation.
                                 As a mother    ……………………..    Beyond comparison.
                                 As a friend      ……………………..    Beyond competition.
                                 As a teacher   ……………………..    Beyond explanation.
                                 As a mentor   ……………………..    Beyond anticipation.
                                 As a saviour   ……………………..    Beyond intimidation.
                                 As a moralist  ……………………..    Beyond benefaction.


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Be Positive

Be Positive

A father was reading a magazine and his little daughter every now and then distracted him. Trying to keep her busy, he tore out one page on which was printed the map of the world. He then tore the page into pieces and asked her to go to her room and put them together to make the map again. He was sure she would take the whole day to get it done. But the little one came back within minutes with the perfect map…When he asked how she could do it so quickly, she said, “Oh…Dad, there is a man’s face on the other side of the paper… I made the face perfect to get the map right.” She ran outside to play leaving the father surprised.
Reflection: There is always the other side to whatever you experience in this world. This story indirectly teaches a lesson. i.e. whenever we come across a challenge or a puzzling situation, look at the other side…You will be surprised to see an easy way to tackle the problem.


Friday, 15 August 2014

Happy Independence Day

Loved Indians,

Carried with care, coated with pride,
Dipped in love, flying in glory,
Let us celebrate & enjoy the freedom to live
Independently in our country, cheerfully,
Buoyantly and serenely by remembering
Our National Heroes who gave us
Freedom after suffering pain & humiliation.
 Blessed are the moments of freedom,
 In the tricolor shades of joy. 
Proud to be an Indian.
Happy 68th Independence Day.

Independence Day is celebrated by India on 15th August annually as on this day India got independence. India acquired complete freedom on 15th August 1947. On this day brave soldiers, martyrs, leaders are reminded who sacrificed their lives for the independence of India. The various cultural programs are commenced by the hosting of National flag in different parts of the State. The major attraction of the celebration is at the Red Fort in Delhi where India’s Prime Minister hoists a flag and then delivers speech to the entire nation.


Thursday, 14 August 2014



Days to weeks…. weeks to months,
Months to years have turned into one full year.
I miss you more and more with each passing day,
Life has been cruel indeed; yet with reverence,
I commemorate your love, affection and care,
Your intelligence, vision and observation.

Dear Love…. Always remember

When clouds fade and sun shines…
I see your reflection in it’s light.
When grief rests and love for you swells,
I feel you, I see you and I remember you,
With full confidence and hope that you and me
Shall always walk hand in hand …
No matter what circumstances may be.


Wednesday, 13 August 2014


(13th  August’ 2014)

The need for organ transplants is increasing worldwide. Organ donation is one of the noblest deed an individual can accomplish. The on-going lack of available organs has resulted in an increase in the number of patients on the waiting list. Each day approximately five lakh people die in India alone every year awaiting for organ donors for a transplant. Only 3% of the patients waiting for a kidney transplant actually get one, whereas approximately one lakh people are always waiting for corneal transplant.

The idea behind this Day is to create an awareness amongst the people, to encourage debate and provide information on organ donation and transplantation, legal and medical measures so that each person can decide on donation and make their wishes known to their family.  It is also an opportunity to honour all organ donors and their families and to thank transplantation professionals whose hard work helps saving lives and improving the quality of life of many people.

Organ donation is a great deed as people after they're dead aren't really going to need their organs whereas someone living could get a second chance to live. No doubt it is a little difficult to come to terms with your loved one being cut open but still, the cause behind it is much more important and secondly you keep him alive in others body.

When a patient requires an organ transplant, the prayers from their family, friends and near ones come thick and thin, as if waiting for any divine intervention with an expectation of a miracle to take place. But the bitter truth is that we are a solution to their problems and an answer to their prayers. They need nothing expect an act of a man and such an act allows us to stake claim to immorality.

The Cost Factor

The challenge to get an organ transplant done doesn't end with finding a suitable liver or kidney from a living donor or cadaver. The cost disparity of such procedures is a great hindrance that is  equally daunting. A kidney transplant in a private hospital is beyond thought of a common man because its facilities itself cost at least three times more of what it does at a Government hospital and more over if the patient is not doing well and has an extended stay in the hospital for post - transplant treatment, then the stay tariffs of the ICU rooms in such kind if hospitals can push up the transplant bills by lakhs and that too depends on the duration of stay of the patient in the hospital. It is indeed very shameful that the poor should only think of such a treatment and see his loved one die in front of his own eyes as such a treatment is beyond his reach . In most of the areas of health care, transplant facilities have grown fast in the private sector whereas the public sector is still taking baby steps. 

The situation is grimmer when it comes to liver transplants, for it is much more expensive and riskier than a renal transplant. In major private hospitals surgery for liver transplant costs between Rs 18 lakh and Rs 25 lakh and that too with a promise that the operation shall be discounted to one-third of the actual the cost. Their programme is marred by a high mortality rate among recipients.  In many places liver transplants have come a long way from the time the surgery costing nearly Rs 40 lakh.

Who can donate?

Ø After Brain Death
Ø After a natural death
Ø After an accidental death
Ø Living person who is the first kin of the patient.
Organs that can be donated after death

Kidneys (2)                      Pancreas                        Liver
Lungs (2)                          Small intestines              Eyes
Pancreas                           Larynx                          Pancreas
Middle ear bone (2)           Uterus                          Ovaries

Take a pledge

The ground for organ donors is a gentle reminder to all of us that organ donation is a boon for the thousands of patients waiting endlessly for a saviour. While harvesting the organs of the brain dead is still a sensitive and emotional issue for families, it's time to go beyond grief and help those in need. A single deceased donor's organs such as liver, kidneys, intestine, pancreas, heart, lungs can potentially save the lives of nine others suffering from failure of their own organs. The authorities responsible should also make the process smooth for all parties concerned. 

Today being Organ Donation Day, we should all take a pledge to do our bit for those in dire straits. Those interested can pledge their organs with the respected organisations working for such a noble cause. 

Awareness about organ donation is very low worldwide as well as our country. It is surveyed that approx. 0.16 % per lakh Indians donated their organs in the previous year, while more than five lakh people have lost their lives due to shortage of organs. 

One single person can give life to eight persons after his death through organ donation. We should think beyond emotional issues and get rid of our various useless apprehensions with regard to organ donation to give life to so many people. One step forward shall encourage so many steps towards a noble cause.  

 “Let no organ be wasted” should be the motto of every single individual.   We should all join hands to give a hope to those thousands waiting for a fresh lease of life.


Friday, 8 August 2014

Poverty, a Mental Disability

Poverty, a Mental Disability

Poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon, encompassing inability to satisfy the basic needs, lack of control over resources, lack of education and poor health. It is the greatest cause of suffering on earth that is intrinsically alienating and distressing. Any person living in poor conditions is more stressed, constantly worrying about means to meet his daily expenditures, bills to be paid and fees of children etc. Most of the times it becomes very difficult for him to even meet his daily expenditures. It is a well understood and recognized fact that living in poverty for a significant length has negative implications on both his physical as well as mental health.

Those who live in underprivileged societies, where there is under-investment in the social and physical infrastructure, experience poor health and hygienic conditions. Poverty is associated with many long-term problems, such as poor health and increased mortality, school failure, crime and substance misuse. The effects of income inequality also spills over into society giving it the biggest reason for causing stress, frustration and family disruption that increases the rate of crimes besides homicide and violence in the society due to which the gap between the poor and rich in the world is widening each day.

As poverty and social inequality are closely linked with each other, they therefore have direct impact on the social, mental and physical well-being of any individual living under such circumstances. There are several obstacles and threats to health that inherent in poverty as it is the poor who are exposed to dangerous unhygienic environmental conditions, stressful, unrewarding and depersonalizing work that lacks the necessities and amenities of life, which looks as if they are not part of the mainstream of society and are totally isolated and cut off.

Poverty is strongly associated with a discrepancy in children’s upbringing, cognitive skills, educational achievements and disruptive behaviours too. Children belonging to such families face persistent economic stress and are more likely to have mental disabilities due to starvation and malnutrition. 

No doubt poverty is a disgraceful and unjust condition that has always haunted mankind and many people see this problem as insoluble as they claim that assisting the poor increases dependency that enhances  a “culture of poverty” which persists from generation to generation. Some people even go further to blame the poor for their problems as according to them many of the poor are shiftless, lazy, unintelligent, or even parasitic.

The trouble with many of poverty victims today is that they are not confident of themselves and have accepted their life as it is. They blame their fate for their continuous slogging conditions. Even on hearing the news of corruption by the rich wealthy people reach their ears, they tend to lose confidence in their ability to cope with such problematic conditions and are disheartened. When an individual loses confidence, his enthusiasm is killed and life becomes a grind and aimless, hence they are incapable of conquering poverty. Those who face it and fight for their upliftment definitely succeed giving a positive vision not only to their entire family but also to their relatives and friends. 

We should not overlook the heartless, grasping practices of those rich people or the unfair, cruel conditions brought about by unscrupulous political and financial schemers; for it is the right of a common man that they should be aware of such deeds and unite together to fight for their rights. It’s not a sin to be poor. 

We blame them for not working, being lazy, having drug addictions, making poor choices, and not trying hard enough. We often equate financial worth with personal values and we place the poor in the lowest system of our preconceived human caste systems. We treat them accordingly and are continually blaming, humiliating and shaming them through our condescending criticism, “instruction,” and judgment etc.

But have we ever thought that who are we to judge the poor? God never intended that any man should be a pauper, a drudge, or a slave. There is not a single indication in God’s wonderful mechanism that a man was created to live a poor life. It is God, Our Creator, who has differentiated each individual. We could have also been born in a poor family too. We should all understand one concept that everyone is a wonderful creation of God where we all are one family and to help each other should always be our motto. There is something larger and grander for him in his plans than perpetual slavery to the bread earning problems.

Because being poor is not a life-long condition and one has to work harder to recover from this mental illness which should be a collective goal on top priority for all of us. If every rich and the wealthy person opts to undertake the responsibility to help the poor and needy, this world itself shall be a heaven on earth. We should also keep it in mind that the rich owe to the poor. How? And Why? They owe it because they are better off than others. It is the hard work of the poor that yields positive results that work their way to the top. By helping them, they seem to be giving back to society. This is a noble deed that should be done with a good spirit on humanitarian grounds and not because of want of tax exemptions at the end of their financial year.

The worst thing about poverty is the conviction that the poor hold no position in life is indeed very fatal to the competence. No doubt it is tough to see the poor struggling to keep the wolf at bay and they cannot be independent, nor can they organise their lives. They cannot even come up with a courage to express their opinions in public or have an individual view. They cannot even dream of being able to live in decent locations or in healthy hygienic conditions. When worries embrace and one is entangled with debts, it is difficult for any average human being to be a real individual and it is almost impossible to preserve that dignity and self-respect which enables a man to hold up his head and look the world squarely on the face. Some rare and beautiful souls have lived in dire poverty, setting an example of noble living to the world. If not accepted, then poverty often develops the worst in any man and kills the feeling of love, affection, emotion, caring and belongingness, leaving strong pinching marks of insufficiency all around. It is then easily noticeable in prematurely old, depressed faces and in children who have had no childhood and who have borne the mark of the poverty-curse ever since their birth. We see it shadowing bright young faces, and often blighting the highest ambition and dwarfing the most brilliant ability.

It is a bitter truth that poverty is more often a curse than a blessing and those who praise its virtues would be the last to accept its hard conditions. What is most deplorable is preventable poverty which is due to vicious living, to slovenly, slipshod, to idling and dawdling, or to laziness; that poverty which is due to the lack of effort, to wrong thinking, or to any preventable cause. Such people should be ashamed of poverty because this can be prevented for also gives a negative reflection upon their ability that make others think low of them. 
Any individual who persists in holding his mental attitude toward poverty, or who is always thinking of their hard luck and failure to get on, can by no means go into the opposite direction where the goal of success is awaiting. Such an attitude shall never arrive at the harbour of delight.

Stingy, narrow minds do not attract money. If they get money they usually get it by parsimonious saving, rather than by obeying the law of opulence. It takes a broad, liberal mind to attract money. The narrow, stingy mind shuts out the flow of abundance. It is the hopeful, buoyant, cheerful attitude of mind that wins because if optimism is a success-builder, then pessimism is an achievement-killer. Optimism is the great producer. It is hope, life. It contains everything which enters into the mental attitude which produces and enjoys. Pessimism is the great destroyer. It is despair, death. No matter if you have lost your property, your health, your reputation even, there is always hope for the man who keeps a firm faith in himself and looks up.

To get rid of the poverty, it is of utmost importance to keep the mind in a productive, creative condition that always think positively, confidently, cheerfully and creatively. If an individual wants to become prosperous, they must believe that they are made for success and happiness; that there is a divinity in them which will, if they follow it, bring them into the light of prosperity. Erase all the shadows, all the doubts and fears, and the suggestions of poverty and failure from your mind. When you have become master of your thought, when you have once learned to dominate your mind, you will find that things will begin to come your way. Discouragement, fear, doubt, lack of self-confidence, are the germs which have killed the prosperity and happiness of tens of thousands of people.

If it were possible for all the poor to turn their backs on their dark and discouraging environment and face the light and cheer, and if they should resolve that they are done with poverty and a slipshod existence, this very resolution would, in a short time, revolutionize civilization. Every child should be taught to expect prosperity, to believe that the good things of the world were intended for them. This conviction would be a powerful factor in the adult life if the child were so trained.

Wealth is created mentally first; it is thought out before it becomes a reality.

Firmly deny the power of adversity or poverty that keeps you down. Constantly assert your superiority to your environment. Believe that you are to dominate your surroundings, that you are the master and not the slave of circumstances. 

Determination with all the vitality one can gather that you are going to have your share without harming anybody else or keeping others back as it is intended that you have a competence in abundance and it that you should resolve to reach your divine destiny.

The very act of turning your back upon the black picture and resolving that you will have nothing more to do with failure, with poverty; that you will make the best possible out of what you do have; that you will put up the best possible appearance; that you will clean up, brush up, talk up, look up, instead of down — hold your head up and look the world in the faces instead of cringing, whining, complaining — will create a new spirit within you which will lead you to the light. Hope will take the place of despair, and you will feel the thrill of a new power, of a new force coursing through your veins.


Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Value Education

Value Education

A young woman was sitting at her dining table, worried about taxes to be paid, house-work to be done and to top it all, her family was coming over for the festival celebration the next day. Her mother had always taught her to be happy and thankful to God. She was not feeling very happy and thankful at that time. As she turned her gaze sideways, she noticed her young daughter scribbling energetically into her notebook.
“My value education teacher has asked us to
 write a paragraph on “Negative Thanks giving” for homework today” said the daughter. “She asked us to write down things that we are thankful for, things that make us feel not so good in the beginning, but turn out to be good after all.” With curiosity, the mother peeked into the book. This is what her daughter wrote:

I’m thankful for Final Exams, because that means school is almost over.
I’m thankful for bad-tasting medicine, because it helps me feel better.
I’m thankful for waking up to alarm clocks, because it means I’m still alive.
It then dawned on the mother, that she had a lot of things to be thankful for!  

She had to pay taxes and that meant she was fortunate to be employed.
She had house-work to do and that meant she had her own home to live in.
She had to cook for her family and that meant she had a family with whom she could
We generally complain about the negative things in life but we fail to look at the positive side of it. What is positive in your negatives?

We all should always look at the better part of life to make it great. I am happy and blessed and wish the same for you all.


Friday, 1 August 2014


A rainbow is an amalgamation of light - a perfect harmonic combination which produces a symbol of supernatural beauty, promise and enlightenment.  Rainbows have always amazed man, which is why they appear in many stories, the folk tales of Ireland, the Greek mythologies had a messenger that travelled by rainbow, and many more... Rainbows are one of the most beautiful gifts found in nature that came directly from heaven. They are colourful, magical, and impossible to catch that also remind us of old stories between God and his people, of his magical creatures and natural wonders.

One of the most magical aspect about rainbows is that there is no real end to them and if you stand where you 'think' the rainbow ends, it looks as if it is in a different location altogether. This is one of the best optical illusions in nature for it all depends on the angle of the sun and where the moisture is in the air. Seeing a double rainbow crosses all limitations between people of whatever culture, cast or creed they come from as is most soothing and pleasurable to see a rainbow. Rainbows bring pure happiness when reflected in quiet waters during sunset giving making it a calming and beautiful sight.

The double rainbow is even more magical, and there is a positive significance in seeing a double rainbow. Double rainbows are considered symbolic of transformations in our life. The material world is represented by the first rainbow while the second rainbow is the spiritual world. Seeing a single rainbow is fairly common so something when we see a double rainbow we stop and take time to admire the wonder of the universe. A breath-taking double rainbow can be seen after stormy weather.

The seven coloured rainbow is symbolic and each colour passes its own message to the world. It is very easy to remember the colours of the rainbow. Just reverse VIBGYOR. 

What do the colours of the rainbow mean? 
RED: the topmost colour in a rainbow is the colour of love, passion, energy and enthusiasm. Red is also the colour with the longest wavelength symbolizes vibrancy and security.

ORANGE: Second colour from the top is a combination of red and yellow. It may not be as fiery as red but symbolizes a lot of energy and wisdom. It is a very warm colour, which although dynamic, is more thoughtful and controlled. This colour can increase the creativity and playfulness of a person, and brings about equilibrium in life.
YELLOW: The third colour from the top is vibrant in itself, as it represents the colour of the sun which is known to be full of energy bringing about a proper clarity of thought in the mind of an individual, and also improve one's decision-making skills. Wisdom is usually associated with this colour.
GREEN: is the middle colour formed with the merging of yellow and blue. Therefore, this is located in the centre of the spectrum. Green has always been known for being the colour of fertility and prosperity. The colour green symbolizes harmony, balance, growth, and good health.
BLUE: is the colour of divinity, a soothing and relaxing colour that brings about peace and understanding, in addition to easy flow of communication.

INDIGO: represents infinity. It is a deepened version of the colour blue that symbolizes wisdom, intuition, and self-mastery. This colour is known to be the bridge between the finite and the infinite. The energy of the colour blue is multiplied by indigo.

 VIOLETthe seventh colour, is indeed a royal colour made with the combination of red and blue. It is the highest and the elusive specialization of light. As it is the beginning and end representing a closed circle, this colour symbolises the completion as well as the beginning of the energy vibrations. It also symbolizes high spiritual attainment and love for humanity.

Witnessing a rainbow is a gift, and when we encounter its beauty, it is the perfect time to be grateful to God for all the beautiful natural gifts he has given to us. The best time to view a rainbow in its full glory is either in the early morning hours or in the late afternoon, when the sun is low in the sky. The lower the sun, the higher the rainbow. The rainbows conveys the beautiful message of assurance and appreciation.
There is a very famous proverb: “Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't make a rainbow without a little rain.”
